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Chicks News - 21st October 2022

This week the Chicks topic book was Peppa’s Diwali by Peppa Pig which was a great story to introduce what Diwali is and how it is celebrated. It is Diwali and Peppa and her family are learning all about this special celebration! Mummy and Daddy are cooking up a feast, and Granny and Grandpa Pig bring everyone special clothes to wear. Then it’s time for the party to begin!

The Chicks loved learning about Diwali and the celebrations people take part in. We learnt that Diwali is known as ‘the festival of light’ and in Art the children made Diva lamps out of egg cartons, painting them and adding sequence to their Diva lamps.

During our Communication and Language Focus activity the children observed how fireworks light up the sky. We discussed the sounds that fireworks make and with the some paint and paper the children made their own fireworks. "Pop, bang, crackle" the Chicks said as they made their fireworks. We also had a lot of fun mark-making on the Literacy table, making fireworks and using stickers to decorate our Rangoli designs.

In Free Play the children used Loose Parts materials to decorate and create their own Rangoli designs with gems, pebbles, and a variety of other natural materials. in other areas of the classroom the Chicks engaged with our Role Play Area which was turned into a Diwali Cafe and they worked together to make a variety of delicious sweet treats and savoury dishes for their friend and teachers.

It has been a short week but nevertheless a very busy week at 345 Nursery and we all look forward to a busy and exciting rest of the term after our half term holidays!


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