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Fledglings News - 17th November 2023


Our Topic Story this week has been The Family Book by Todd Parr and the Fledglings have loved sharing their home life experiences with their friends. We have enjoyed role play around special celebrations, making family collages in the style of the pictures in the Topic Book and a bedroom role play area to share their bedtime routines.

The Fledglings enjoy working in small groups during our Focus Time and Literacy activities so this week in Literacy we focused on discussing special memories the Fledglings have of time spent with their families. The children recalled lots of lovely events ranging from Christmas and holidays to meeting up with friends and Halloween parties.

We enjoyed a lovely trip to Finton House to spend some time in their Secret Garden. The Fledglings love taking the bus and were able to recall the bus number and how many stops it would take to get there. We spent the morning catching spider webs using black paper and spray glue.

As we near Christmas we have started preparations for our upcoming Nativity Play with this now being the focus during our weekly Music lessons. The children are getting excited and showing high levels of interest in the Christmas story and this will be our focus in the lead up to the holidays.


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