The Fledglings have loved learning about the Lunar New Year this week as we have focused on the Topic Story The Great Race. The children were fascinated by the events in the story and demonstrated wonderful recall skills throughout the week as they remembered which order the animals arrived at the finish line. We made a lovely collaborative dragon as our art project and the children have enjoyed seeing it guarding the entrance to our quiet area.
The highlight of this week however has been our Art Exhibition which we have been working towards for the past three weeks, preparing a range of artwork based on the artists we have been learning about. This included an abstract collage based on the work of Reggie Laurent, a felting project inspired by Moy MacKay, self-portraits and a shape and colour collage exploring the work of Paul Klee. We also created a book following the design of Eric Carle’s book Little Cloud which linked to learning of our Person of Interest for the term.
It was wonderful to welcome the parents in to view the children’s artwork at the end of the week, where we had set the classroom up in the style of a gallery and the children showed their visitors around. It was a wonderful end to the first half of the Spring Term!