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Nursery News - Chicks

Writer's picture: K GoodbodyK Goodbody

The Chicks spent much of the week exploring shapes, colours and designs in a range of Rangoli patterns. They particularly enjoyed making their own patterns which they decorated with glitter. During Maths they also created a ‘Team’ Geometric Rangoli Pattern matching different shapes. Everyone enjoyed making coconut Diwali sweets which they subsequently ate during Snack Time. The high spot of the week was Friday’s Drama session. The Chicks dressed up in different costumes and danced to traditional Indian Music. Some used scarves whilst others played musical instruments as they danced.

The Chicks also went on a Community Listening Walk and identified many different sounds around them. This weeks topic “ Incy Wincy Spider” was warmly received as the children recalled the traditional rhyme. String dipped in paint was used to create spider’s webs - the children particularly enjoyed exploring the new technique and were very pleased with their masterpieces. Webs featured in our Focus Time as the children took turns to throw a ball of string across a table to each other creating a web for the spider in the centre of the table. Each child chose and named the person who they were throwing the wool to and upon receiving the ball, they held on to a piece before throwing it diagonally back to someone else. The result was a trail of wool, eventually creating an intricate web. The children were encouraged to listen and throw accurately which they managed to do brilliantly. Pink Group went on to discuss positional language too. During our weekly nature walk to the common, we searched for “mini beasts”. We also collected many colourful leaves which we linked to our “Autumn” song sung throughout the week. We counted the leaves and matched them to coloured paper. The children also had lots of fun playing “hide and seek” and “1,2,3 where are you?”, where they hid in small groups with their teacher and learnt how to respond to the leader’s questions by saying “1,2,3 we are here.”


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