The Chicks had an interesting time, the week before last discussing Chinese New Year. Initially, they were introduced to the 12 lunar years and how each one is represented by a different animal. We discussed this year, “The Year of the Rat” and learnt how Chinese people clean their homes to sweep out ”the old year” before welcoming “the new one”.
Throughout the week the children practised their cutting skills whilst making traditional Chinese Lanterns, which they decorated with stickers and patterns. The Chinese believe red to be a very lucky colour and it is therefore featured heavily throughout the celebrations. Lucky red envelopes containing money are traditionally given as part of the celebration. This inspired our Maths activity where the Chicks practised their counting skills as they stuck pictures of coins onto envelopes. During cookery they made Chinese Stir fry, which they tasted during snack time. Much fun was experienced in Drama as the children listened to Chinese Music and performed the Lion Dance using colourful scarves. Musical instruments were also played to accompany the music.
The “Chinese Restaurant” was bustling with cooking and baking. Using chopsticks when playing with the “noodles” also tested the children’s perseverance and fine motor skills.
This week’s topic “Kitchen Disco” promoted the importance of healthy eating and the children were encouraged to taste different fruit. The Chicks really engaged with the topic book as they recalled repeated phrases throughout the story.
During Art, everyone had the opportunity to use their imagination to paint and decorate pictures of fruit. They were able to refine their fine motor skills whilst transferring fruit from one bowl to another with tongs. Conversations evolved about the colour, shapes and sizes of the many types of fruit whilst preparing fruit salad.
Green Group matched fruit to coloured cards while Pink and Yellow Group were introduced to the concept of “the odd one out”.
Rap music was the platform for our Music and Drama session as the children replicated movements made by the fruit in “Kitchen Disco” - such as shake like a mango, party like a pear, groove across the floor, wiggle like an apple and wave their stalks. This was very entertaining.
Finally a big thank you to Trini and Christina for organising last Tuesday’s Nutritional Talk, which was a big success. Katka and Jill are keen to host similar evenings and would like to hear your views about any subjects which would be of interest.