345 Nursery is a morning pre-school, with the option to add on additional afternoon sessions. We have three terms, scheduled to reflect those of the leading local independent schools.

Latest dates for Parents:
Autumn Term 2023
Wednesday 6h September: First Day of Term, Afternoon School Lunch Club
Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th September: New Chicks Home Visits
Thursday 7th September: New Chicks First Day of Term
Friday 15th September: New Parents Introductory Chat 11.45 am
Friday 29th September: Harvest Festival Celebration with Rev. Steve Rouse 11.30 am
Monday 2nd October: Fledglings Bring Grandparents to School Day 11.30 am
Tuesday 10th October: World Porridge Party
Wednesday 11th October: Parents’ Evening 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm
Thursday 19th to Friday 29th October (inclusive): Half Term
Tuesday 12th December: The Chicks Christmas Concert 10.00 am (TBC). The Fledglings Nativity Play 11.45 am (TBC)
Wednesday 13th December: Last Afternoon School and Lunch Club
Thursday 14th December: Fred the Elf Visits 345 Nursery - 11:00 am. End of Term 12.15 pm (Chicks) 12.25 pm (Fledglings)
Friday 15th – Thursday 21st December: Christmas Workshop