Children are enrolled for morning sessions on a 5-day basis for a 12 week term. Term length may vary as we aim to align with other local schools, matching holidays and half-term. See the upcoming term dates below.
Pickup is 12:20 or 12:30 unless attending the optional lunch club or afternoon school. The afternoon sessions are optional, allowing parents to choose additional themed learning classes as suits.
School Hours:
345 Nursery School is open from 9.00am for early drop off
Chicks: 9.20am–12.20am
Fledglings: 9.30am–12.30am
Lunch Club runs daily until 1:30pm
Afternoon School includes the Lunch Club and ends at 3.15pm. Afternoon School themes by day:
Monday - Ballet
Tuesday - Tennis
Wednesday - Football & Ball Games
Thursday - Performing Arts
Friday - Cookery, Science (including nature exploring)
Dates for Parents:
Spring Term 2022
Tuesday 11th January First Day of Term, Afternoon School Lunch Club
Tuesday 25th January Talk by Lucinda Miller - Nutrition
Friday 14th - 18th Feb Half Term
Tuesday 1st March Talk by Dick Moore - Mental Health and Emotional Intelligence
Thursday 3rd March World Book day
Monday 14th March Afternoon Ballet - Parents Open Class 2.15pm (TBC)
Wednesday 16th March Parent’s Evening 6pm - 8pm
Friday 25th March Bring Mummy to School Day - Drop Off to 10.15am
Friday 25th March Last Day of Term
Monday 28th March - Easter Club 9.30am - 1.30 pm Friday 1st April
Term Dates:
Autumn Term 2021
Term Starts Wednesday 8 September
New Starters Thursday 9 September
Half Term (10 days) 21–29 October (inclusive)
Terms Ends Tuesday 14 December
Christmas Club Wednesday 15 – Tuesday 21 December
Spring Term 2022
Term Starts Tuesday 11 January
New Starters Wednesday 12 January
Half Term 14–18 February
Term Ends Friday 25 March
Easter Club Mon 28 March – Friday 1 April
Summer Term 2022
Term Starts Wednesday 20 April
Half Term 30 May–3 June
Term Ends Thursday 7 July
Summer School Friday 8 – Thursday 21 July