The Chicks have had another busy week and we have enjoyed our topic book, Gigantic by Rob Biddulph. This is a wonderful book about a small Blue Whale called ‘Gigantic’ who lives in the Atlantic and is dwarfed by the other whales around him. But one day Gigantic’s big brother gets stuck on the sand, and he needs his little brother and his small group of friends to save him, showing that it is possible to be tiny and tough. The children have loved the story and as well as activities around the sea and sea creatures they have been thinking about size.
On a learning walk outside this week, we observed the world around us and looked for examples of size. We thought about gigantic trees and how big they are in comparison to us and we even experimented to see how many of us it took to surround a tree.
The Orange and Purple Chicks topic book was Hooray for Hoppy by Tim Hopgood. This lovely book explores the senses as Hoppy looks for signs that Spring has sprung. Just like Hoppy, on their learning walk the Chicks listened to the singing birds, felt the warmth of the sun, saw squirrels playing, smelt the flowers and tasted some lettuce.
During Free Play we continued to develop our Fine Motor skills by rolling playdough and cutting out sea creatures. We also had shakers with different things inside and different things to smell to get us thinking about what we could hear and what we could smell.
In the Messy Tray we explored sea creatures and different textures. We also explored positional language using different shapes to place the bunnies in different places. On the Maths table we looked at making repeating patterns with coloured discs and thought about size using the sequencing bears.
In Art the Green, Yellow and Pink Chicks created seascapes while the Orange and Purple Chicks used, paint, grass, cake cases and printed images to re-tell the story ‘Hooray for Hoppy’. During Cookery we made biscuits cut in the shapes of sea creatures and rabbits. The children enjoyed mixing by hand cutting out the shapes and of course eating them the next day.
In Write Dance the Green and Yellow Chicks pretended they were fish swimming in the ocean and used ribbons, chalk, and blue shaving foam to mimic the waves in the ocean. They enjoyed this while listening to 'Under the Sea’ from ‘The Little Mermaid’. The Orange and Purple Chicks enjoyed hopping like bunnies. With the chalk and shaving foam, they drew hops and bunny footprints while we listened to ‘See the bunnies sleeping’.
In our Outdoor Learning Environment, we searched for letters in the sandpit and chased bubbles around. We built towers as tall as our teachers and played with the tennis bats and balls. We balanced on tyres and went over and under obstacles to build our Gross Motor skills.
We look forward to lots of activities as we fundraise for the Children’s Air Ambulance.