Christmas is fast approaching and the children have been busy preparing for the festive period. This week the Chicks have been rehearsing for our Christmas Concert and we have been so impressed with their brilliant singing. We have also been busy making Christmas cards and special presents for our Mummies and Daddies.
The Chicks have enjoyed listening a variety of festive books this week and one of their favourites has been Maisy’s Christmas Eve by Lucy Cousins. This is a lovely story where the characters all go to Maisy’s house to get ready for Christmas and the all travel differently, making their way through the snow. Finally they arrive at Maisy’s house, but Eddie the elephant isn't there! He gets stuck in the snow. After making mince pies and decorating the Christmas they go and look for Eddie, finding him under a pile of snow. The Chicks found this very funny and we used the book to open up discussions around the changing seasons and Christmas celebrations.
In the Classroom, the children have enjoyed exploring the Small World Peppa Pig World which was covered in snow and in Art they enjoyed painting Christmas tree lights using their fingers and paint. The Children counted in quantities up to 5 by adding buttons to the gingerbread men in Maths and they were very busy in the Role Play Christmas Café making delicious Chocolate cake and cappuccino’s for everyone to enjoy!
It was lovely watching the children build together with the Duplo and the coloured blocks, making the town of Bethlehem and the stable for Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. The children all know the Nativity story and they had great fun acting out the scenes using the stable and the wooden characters.