This week the Chicks Topic Story was Superworm by Julia Donaldson. Superworm is a hero with a difference. Super-long and super-strong, he’s always on hand to help out all the other animals and insects, whether he’s saving baby toad from an accident, rescuing beetle from falling down a well, or even good-naturedly offering himself up as a skipping rope for a group of bored bees!
This topic book offered a great opportunity to extend the children’s comprehension ability and to support their listening and understanding skills. The Pink and Yellow Chicks worked together to retell the events in the story and had fun thinking up a new ending. We were so impressed with their sequencing of the events and it was wonderful to see the creativity in their ideas for alternative endings!
They also reflected on the story and were confused about a moment in the story where the crow he flew away and didn’t stop to help his friend the lizard when the lizard was captured by the very clever animals and insects. The children came to the conclusion that the crow needed to say sorry for being mean.
The Chicks Art challenge this week was to make a wormery collage using different materials. This was great opportunity to explore different textures and techniques. The Green Chicks had great fun getting messy with the soil and glue, spreading glue on their hands and picking up the soil rather than adding the glue to the paper. They all worked extremely hard, cutting and making snips in the paper to make grass for their pictures and everyone was very proud of their creations!
The biggest highlight of the week however was making salt dough worms! The Chicks loved squeezing, poking and rolling out the dough to make long wiggly worms. This activity is very good for strengthening the movements in the children’s hands and upper arms in preparation for early writing.
We continued with our Superworm in theme in Maths where we focused on measuring and comparing different sizes of worms. The Chicks did this by measuring paper worms using the unifix blocks. It was very interesting to watch the children using the unifix in different ways to measure their worms. The children used mathematical language throughout the activity, and all were able to place the worms in size order onto their activity sheets!