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Chicks News - 9th June 2023


This week the Chicks Topic Boo was Maisy’s Sports Day by Lucy Cousins. Maisy and her friends all join in for sporty fun. The Ostrich referee is in charge and there is a red team and a blue team. The competitions include an egg and spoon race, a three legged race, a wheelbarrow race, a sack race, a relay race, and even a get dressed up silly race! Loud cheers of support are coming from the sidelines, and a quick refreshment stop is needed! Plenty of fun is also had playing the hola hoop and a tug of war, where everybody falls down laughing! So much excitement with winners and losers but everyone gets a medal in the end.

This was a great book to open conversations around our upcoming Sports Day and what the Chicks can expect. We also used this week to begin practising for our Sports Day in a few weeks time. The Chicks practiced their running races, egg and spoon races, silly hat races and balancing the bean bag on their heads. They have also been busy in the classroom painting props for their Sports Day and painting their team colours.

On our Outdoor Learning Day this week the children went on a AnimiPhonics letter hunt, finding letters hiding in the trees and bushes. After our letter hunt the Chicks had fun climbing the trees and playing team games. On the way back to the Nursery they were very good at spotting letters on the posts and cars.

The weather has been very kind to us this week and the children have explored lots of water play both in the outdoor and indoor learning environments. They used their fine motor skills to squeeze out the water in the clothes before hanging then on the washing line. The children love pouring exercises, transporting water from jug to jug. They also explored using the pipettes to transfer coloured water and shaving foam, watching the colours changing from red and yellow to orange.

The children played lots of team building games getting them ready for Sports Day. One of the games they played was to balance a ball in the tubes, working together to ensure the ball stayed in the middle of the tube. This was a great exercise to challenge their team skills, coordination and problem solving skills.

This week in Cookery the children made fruit smoothies. We discussed the importance of healthy eating and they developed their fine motor skills whilst chopping up bananas and strawberries before adding orange juice into a bowl. The highlight was blending the fruits together and observing how the colours changed, and of course drinking the yummy smoothies at the end!


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