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Fledglings News - 12th May 2023


The Fledgling were full of beans after the long weekend celebrating the Coronation of King Charles lll. Many of the children shared their experiences of the event during our Weekend News Focus Time and they used paper puppets to relive the experience in their own words during Free Play.

There has been lots of excitement amongst the Fledglings who have noticed that our sunflower seeds have started to sprout and the children took turns to look at their seeds and compare whose has grown the most. They have been recalling the different stages of development of the life cycle of a plant using the pictures as reminders and excitedly stating that mine has reached stage three!

Our Topic Story this week is The Midnight Panther and this has supporting the children’s understanding of their self and of being an individual. The children loved using the special metallic pens to design patterns on their own panthers head, creating unique designs.

Our Music sessions will be focusing on preparation for the upcoming Leavers Show and the children are gaining familiarity with the songs we have introduced. One highlight this week was a fabulous morning on the common where we included hoola hoops in our Free Play and built up the children's blending skills with a team Phonics game where the children had to recall sounds before building the word with their peers.

Our ongoing provision in the classroom has involved using log slices and colourful wooden balls to develop the Fledglings Maths skills, the Small World safari to encourage the children to work together and build stories as a group and Fine Motor skills development and problem solving activities using puzzles and Magnatiles.


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