This week the children have embraced our Topic Story ‘Kindness is my Superpower’ where we have focused on continuing to support our Classroom Principles by encouraging the children to think about how their behaviour impacts others. Our Focus Time activities and Circle Time discussions have revolved around what kindness is and the different ways we show kindness. The children have loved sharing all the ways they have been kind to their siblings, friends and family members.
We enjoyed another trip to the Secret Garden at Finton House School for our Outdoor Learning Day. The Fledglings know the bus journey by heart and show great maturity during the trip. At the Secret Garden we loved using some laces which we weaved through different garden ornaments, playing hide and seek and using the mud kitchen equipment.
We have also enjoyed spending time in our Outdoor Learning Environments with the weather getting warmer and having Circle Time on the climbing frame was a highlight. Our Circle Time activities reflect the children’s interests as well as in keeping with our weekly Topic Stories and building the children’s skill set including Maths and Literacy activities. This week we read our Topic Story, sang some songs and played number games.