This week we continued discovering facts around dinosaurs related to our Person of Interest Mary Anning.
The children had lots of opportunities to explore this topic furthe throughout the week by looking at books, fossils and using dinosaurs and natural items to make imprints in playdough. We have had lots of interesting conversations around this theme such as what happened to the dinosaurs and how scientists discovered lots of information about them with the help of the fossils and bones they left behind. The children shared about their visits to the Natural History Museum and the skeletons they saw there.
During Focus Times this week we have been working on our story sequencing skills. We looked at the story of the ‘Tortoise and the Hare' and we discussed the importance of not giving up, even when it seems impossible to succeed.
The children learnt about what one more is in Maths and we used the Unifix cubes to make towers. The children had to guess what the number would be if they added one more cube to their towers. The Fledglings have also enjoyed taking part in new Maths games, spotting numbers and counting beads.
We have continued to build on our Phonics skills by using letter puzzles and the children had one to one sessions with their teachers where they worked on recognition, initial sound, segmenting, blending and reading.
On Outdoor Learning Day we went for a long walk around Wandsworth Common, admired the pond and looked at the wildlife around it. We spoke about migrating birds, nesting and what we should feed the birds if we visit the pond.
The children continue to build creative Role Play games while we are out and about, playing pirates and knocking on the Gruffalo’s back door. Pretending to run away from it proves to be great fun all the time!