It was lovely to welcome the children back to Nursery after Easter and to welcome some new starters into the Fledglings who have all settled in well and quickly. To introduce the topic of International Earth Day we chose the topic book The Wall and the Wild by Christa Dendy.
The story is about a little girl who wants to build her own garden. However, she only wants to plant the perfect looking seeds and she throws away the seeds that don't look good. She thought the perfect seeds would make the perfect garden. Her garden grew but she wanted it to look perfect, so she kept cutting and pruning her garden until it started to die off. Meanwhile the seeds she threw over the wall grew into a beautiful rich garden. She learnt that she needed to allow nature do its own thing and every seed is equally important.
This was a great platform to introduce the topic of nature and the risks when we interfere with nature's course. This got us thinking about the ways that we need to look after our planet and the harm that can come when we don’t. We spoke about the importance of keeping our environment clean and making sure not to leave rubbish and pollution.
To continue our conversation about how to look after our planet we set up our Role Play area as a recycling centre where the children enjoyed sorting different materials and discussing the benefits of recycling to the planet and our lives.
In Art, the Fledglings sponge painted a large Planet Earth and then they created individual pictures about what they thought was important to look after on our planet and in our environment. The children created amazing pictures about trees, flowers, fruits, the sun, animals and rainbows.
We extended our learning about nature in Science where the children created seeds bombs by cutting up newspaper and mixing it with water and seed mix. We spoke about what seed bombs are and why it was important to plant more plants and flowers in our environment. It was lovely to see the children discussing and extending their existing knowledge of preserving nature and their enthusiasm in taking part in look after our environment further.