This week the Fledglings have been preparing for the Harvest Festival. Our Topic story was Harvest Days, Giving Thanks Around the World by Kate DePalma and this story really helped us to understand what the Harvest Festival is and why we celebrate it. The book immersed us in some of the most ancient traditions in the world from rice harvests in India to friendly food fights with tomatoes in Spain. This book showcased diverse global traditions and shared the joy of gathering nature’s bounty.
Our Harvest Festival on Friday was wonderful and it was great to see so many people attend. The children have loved practising the harvest songs and actions during our weekly Music sessions with Mr Alex and we are so proud of how well they sang and preformed on the day.
As part of our Harvest Festival celebrations Pastor Pete asked the children to find a piece of fruit or vegetables from his bag and asked the children to identify the fruit or vegetable. He then talked about the Life Cycle of a tree and the Fledglings were very good with their answers because we touched on this during a Focus Time activity. The children all listened well and together they held hands just like the tree roots do underground, sharing the food, resources and love.
We wanted to say a huge thank you for the generous donations brought in which will be shared between the local food banks and Trinity Hospice.