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Fledglings News - 30th June 2023


The Fledglings have had a busy week as we prepare for the end of term. We have focused on rehearsals for of End of Year Show which is very exciting and the children loved performing in front of the Chicks in preparation which has helped to build their confidence.

Our Transition Day for the Chicks who will be come Fledglings in September went well and the children were very excited to venture into their new classroom and meet their teachers and see who would be in their new groups. Our current Fledglings meanwhile enjoyed some time on the common searching for bugs and expanding their curiosity of living creatures.

During our Outdoor Learning Day this week we took umbrellas and rainbow ribbons which the children used to decorate the forest area to create a birthday party. Although it started as a party for one of the children’s pets it quickly became a party for everyone and they took turns to have ‘Happy Birthday’ sung to them. The collaborative play was brilliant.

As part of our Significant Person Topic we have been welcoming parents into the classroom to discuss interesting aspects of their lives with the children. This week we were treated to an extra special visit by one of the Mummies who came in to talk to us about x-rays. She even brought a home made x-ray machine and real x-rays of her body! The children were fascinated by the x-rays and loved the opportunity of finding out more about the body and different jobs that adults do.

In the classroom we have continued to support the children's understanding of transitions with our Topic Story Once Upon a Time There Was and Will be So Much More which explored how life was in the past and supported the children's curiosity about the future. The children loved the design of the book as the pages became progressively smaller until the middle before getting progressively bigger again.

Our highlight this week however was the hatching and release of our butterflies. We were lucky enough to see one of the butterflies emerge from its cocoon and the children watched with fascination. We used the shell of the cocoon to create slides for our microscopes and the children discovered what they looked like up close. What a wonderful end to the penultimate week of term!


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