The Fledglings have had a wonderful week building up to the Coronation of King Charles lll. Our Topic Book King Charles lll’s Colourful Coronation was well received and the children loved looking at the book independently as well as during group Circle Times. Our Art projects took inspiration from the book and involved creating invitations for our cuddly toy guests and chair decorations for our banquet on Friday.
During our first Outdoor Learning Day of the Summer Term the children enjoyed noticing the changes in the area which we frequently visit, noticing all the new leaves, longer grass and wildflowers which have grown over the Easter break. We wrapped red, white and blue string around sticks we collected to design Coronation themed items which we incorporated into our Free Play as magic wands, trumpets and sceptres. The children also loved challenging themselves and developing their risk taking abilities by swinging from the branches of the trees.
Our Focus Times this week involved recalling details of the activities we enjoyed during last week and baking for the celebrations on Friday. The children have loved engaging with the dressing up clothes throughout the week and we have seen an increase in the children’s independent dressing skills.
In the Outdoor Learning Environment the children have engaged in lots of collaborative play, building obstacle courses and making sandcastles in the sandpit. There has also been great interest in our sunflower seeds as we have begun to see some of them begin to sprout.
We ended the week with a banquet celebration for the coronation where we opened the classroom up for the Chicks and Fledglings to interact during Free Play, Snack Time all together with dancing and games to end the morning.