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Chicks News – 22nd April 2022


It was wonderful to welcome the Chicks back to Nursery after the Easter Break for our final term of the year. We have also been excited to welcome our new Chicks who have all settled into the nursery extremely well and have had lots of fun exploring their new indoor and outdoor learning environments.

This week our topic book was I Can Share by Karen Katz. Sharing can initially be a hard concept to grasp, but with the help of our topic book, we have quickly learned that sharing can also be fun! In the story we are presented with lots of different scenarios, and we soon find out that is good to talk about why you don’t like to share and that there are lots of other solutions to make it easy. “You can’t have my doll! But maybe you can have this one” and “You can’t have my bike! But maybe I’ll let you take it for a ride” are sweet examples which helped to show the Chicks different ways that you can share and make new friends.

Our Role Play area has been turned into a Nursery for the baby dolls and it has been lovely to watch the children care for the babies by feeding them and taking them for walks in the buggy. They Chicks have been putting our learning from out topic book into practice by sharing out the roles and taking turns with the babies. It has also been a great opportunity to extend the children’s creativity by offering a platform for them to combine their imagination with experiences from home.

This week the Chicks have also been celebrating “World Earth Day” by painting their own Planet Earth’s using balloons and paint.

We continued learning about the importance of looking after our planet in our Focus Time and group discussions and the Pink and Yellow Chicks had the opportunity to venture on an Environment walk to the Common where they used the litter pickers to pick up rubbish that people had left behind. The Orange and Green Chicks also went on an Environmental learning walk where they observed the trees, flowers and bees, and learned more about how and why they are so important to our environment.


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