Our topic book this week was There’s a Monster in Your Book by Tom Fletcher. In this book there is a monster stuck in the book and the children need to help free the monster by reading aloud and following the instructions. The children loved this story and enjoyed joining in with all actions including shaking, spinning, turning to the left and to the right.
During Focus Time the children had lots of fun making their own 'Monsters', using playdough, googly eyes, feathers and pipe cleaners. We expanded these creations further by adding paint and decorations to them in Art. During Cookery we continued on our Monster theme, making delicious 'Monster smoothies' using strawberries, raspberries, bananas and orange juice. The children had lots of fun cutting up all of the fruit and we enjoyed watching everything mix together in the blender.
During Drama this week, we expanded our knowledge of the story by acting out the different movements from the book; shaking, tickling, spinning around and making lots of loud noises!
This week Pink Group went on their first walk outside the Nursery and held beautifully onto the rope and followed instructions very well. On our walk we stopped several times to listen for different noises. The children heard cars, motorbikes, birds singing, a helicopter, a truck beeping when reversing, crunching leaves and the wind howling through the trees!
During Music the children had lots of fun playing with the musical instruments. We followed the instructions and practiced playing fast, slow, loud and soft sounds. We also pretended to be the 'Music Man', taking turns with the different instruments and singing our favourite songs.