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  • isabellapearce9

Fledglings News - 14th October 2022

We have enjoyed a wonderful week in the Fledglings classroom! We began the week celebrating Mary’s Meals, where the children enjoyed taking part in a 'Porridge Party' whilst raising funds for the charity Mary’s Meals who provide warm meals to children around the world. We used a selection of fruits to create faces in our porridge before eating together.

Our Topic Book this week was the story Little Blue Truck which the children loved! The children particularly enjoyed joining in with creating sound effects for the animal characters in the story whilst we read the book together and we recreated one of the pages in a collaborative Art project. In Free Play we retold the story using animal toys and drew pictures from the book onto a small world scene.

The natural resources we collect during our Outdoor Learning Days have been popular and the children have used them to explore printing in playdough, painting, counting and creating patterns. We have also used the resources in a variety of ways in our Outdoor Learning Environment including incorporating them into the cooking activities in the mud kitchen.

The Fledglings have been enjoying developing their scissor skills this week and were enthusiastic about creating cardboard tube characters, snipping the paper to create wacky hairstyles for the characters.

As always our morning on the common was brilliant and we have been fortunate to have had dry and sunny weather. This week we collected acorns in preparation for our activity where we created individual bird feeders. The children were excited about this activity and enjoyed the messy element to crafting their feeders. We have also received wonderful feedback from the parents regarding this particular activity as the children have found spaces in their garden for their feeders to go.

Following discussions during Snack Time we created an experiment with dancing raisins where the children put a few raisins into fizzy water and watched the bubbles lift the raisins to the surface before the bubbles popped and they sank back down. The children were fascinated by this and excitedly experimented with different compositions of still and fizzy water, the number of raisins and the sizes of the containers!

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