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Fledglings News - 18th June 2021


This week our topic book was Superhero Dad by Timothy Knapman. We chose this book to celebrate Father’s Day. Throughout the week the children took turns individually and in groups to listen to the story and read it independently. The book inspired us to talk about our Daddies and the Fledglings loved discussing what their Daddies are good at, what they like doing with them and what their favourite thing about them is.

As part of our Art activity the children painted pictures of their Fathers and we recorded some lovely discussions the children had about them. They also created Father’s Day cards to give to their Daddies on Sunday.

During our literacy activity the children focused on developing their writing and fine motor skills, writing ‘Dear Daddy, Happy Father’s Day’ on their cards either by copying or tracing. We also practised using descriptive language to extend their communication and language by thinking of a word, which according to the children, best described their Daddies such as “My Daddy is cuddly” or “My Daddy is lovely.”

As a final gift for the Daddies, we put a lovely Father’s Fay video together which we uploaded to Tapestry so the parents were able to view it.

This week the children continued to enjoy messy play where they experimented with pouring water and using shaving foam to build in our Role-Play area. Painting at the Mark-Making table remains one of the children’s firm favourite and this week they enjoyed using watercolours to mix colours and extend their creativity and imagination on paper.

During free play we extended the children’s literacy and blending skills with a word sorting game. In this activity the children had to add an ending to a word before deciding whether it was a real word or a made up word. If it was a real word they placed it on the treasure chest board and of it was a made up word they placed it on the bin board. The children had a lot of fun with this and they visited the activity frequently.

We extended our learning in the Outdoor Learning Environment this week by setting up our Phonics activity outdoors, where the children were given the challenge of pointing out the different letters and sounds on our outdoor wall. The Fledglings also continued to practice their races for Sports Day!


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