The Fledglings have had a brilliant week back after half term, settling back into the routines of the day. Our Topic Story was Oi Duck Billed Platypus and the children found the rhymes within the story hilarious. Our Art project was inspired by the book and involved the children painting representations of the platypuses and making close observations of body shape and colour to create their pictures.
We enjoyed a selection of activities to build our fine motor skills this week which included pinching and spooning acorns into different jars, manipulating playdough, threading and pegging. We accompanied these activities with Maths or Literacy materials combine and extend two areas of learning within one activity.
Our Outdoor Learning Day was a highlight of the week and the children loved how the wet weather had created lots of puddles for them to jump in. We found mini beasts to study, trees to climb and lots of sticks to collect. The children are building confidence and resilience each week and it was amazing to observe the excitement on the children's faces when handling the worms and minibeasts.
Our weekly peripatetic lessons include Spanish, Music and Sports and the children are very excited to welcome the teachers to the classroom. Our Deconstruction Focus Time this week as another highlight and they were fascinated to dismantle the electronic items which no longer work.