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  • isabellapearce9

Fledglings News - 9th October 2020

Updated: Oct 12, 2020

This week our topic book was The Last Chip by Duncan Beedie. The story follows a very hungry pigeon called Percy who was bullied by other animals every time he found food. Nobody helped him. Eventually a girl who also lives on the street shared her last chip with Percy and they felt a little bit less alone and life on the street was “a little less tough” because they had found each other. We used the story to support our focus on people who help us and to open group discussion about how we can help each other. 

The Role Play area this week was set up as a Vets, with the children keeping busy to care for all of the animals. It was lovely to see the children using their understanding of kindness to look after the animals and using their communication and teamwork skills to work together. We were able to extend our conversations around kindness in Art where the children used chalk to draw depictions of some of different ‘Act of Kindness’ they could think of. 

It was great to see the children developing their fine motor skills this week with the pipettes and tweezers proving very popular at the Messy Table. The children used their growing determination and perseverance to transfer water from one bowl to another with the pipettes and to pick up cotton wool balls and pipe cleaners with the tweezers. 

In the Outdoor Learning Environment the climbing frame continued to be an absolute favourite. The spray bottles also captured the children’s attention and imagination which they used to feed the plants and to extinguish fires drawn on the chalkboard! Sports with Coach Pedro was another highlight of the week where the children did amazingly as they engaged in fun activities designed to strengthen their gross motor skills, spatial awareness and coordination.

As we observe our natural world start to change, it was great to expand our language and communications skills in Spanish. This week Miss Josefina taught the children a range of words and songs about Autumn including different autumnal colours as well as words for feelings and emotions. 

On Friday we celebrated ‘World Porridge Day’ in support of Mary’s Meals. The children had lots of fun decorating their porridge with fruit to create different faces based on emotions!


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