The Chicks had a great first week back after the Christmas holidays and it has been wonderful to catch up with their news. We welcomed our new starters and it has been lovely to see the other children make them feel at home as they joined the nursery, sharing their toys and showing them where to hang their coats.
We started the term with our Topic Story ‘Bee You’ by Smriti Halls. A beautiful story where children can join the busy little bees in exploring the world and choosing who they want to become in a playful and joyful way. While reading the story we recapped on our Classroom Principals and we introduced them to our new friends.
We have been practising using our ‘Gentle Hands’ and ‘Kind Hearts’ while exploring different activities during Free Play this week. In the tuff tray we explored the shaving foam, tweezers and different objects. We picked up thee different objects with the tweezers and transferred them to a bowl and tried to count them. We also explored sand, logs and the diggers, helping Bob the Builder to move sand from one side of the tray to the other. We talked about where we were going and what we could see through the windows. We practised sharing and taking turns when we played with the Fire Station, a car garage or a doll house. We remembered our ‘Kind Hearts’ when we worked as a group to complete a Peppa Pig puzzle together.
Our Role Play Area was set up as a Home Corner the the Chicks were busy cooking and making coffee for their teachers.
In the Outdoor Learning Environment we built with the Mega blocks and Stickle Bricks, made sandcastles in the sand pit, cooked meals in the Mud Kitchen, practised jumping from spot to spot with our feet together, drew on the chalk board, played ‘Chase’ , pushed the cars down the drain pipe and had fun riding cars and tricycles!
On Thursday in our Cookery Focus Time we developed our hand strength whilst mushing avocados with the knives to make avocado sandwiches. We carefully spread the mashed avocado on a slice of bread before putting put two pieces together and then cutting the sandwich in half. Finally, we enjoyed eating our sandwiches for our snack!
We’re looking forward to another week full of fun at 345 Wandsworth.