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Chicks News - 18th June 2021


Updated: Jun 28, 2021

This week the Chicks have been busy preparing for Father’s Day and Sports Day. To celebrate Father’s Day we chose the book My Dad by Steve Smallman to be our topic book for the week. The book celebrates all of the special things that the baby bear's dad does with him, from experiences to stories. The children adored the illustrations depicting the Daddy and baby bear in the book and really related to the story by making comments about their own experiences of family life and spending time with their Daddies.

In Art, the Chicks made wonderful Father’s Day cards. They each decorated a rocket going to the moon with bright colours before sticking a photo of their faces inside! Each group also created a Father’s day video which included images of the children’s paintings of their Daddies accompanied by their comments and of course a video of the children singing Father’s Day songs. The children were so excited to share their creations and songs with the Daddies and the video was published on Tapestry for all our families to enjoy on Sunday.

We are looking forward to our Sports Day next week and are delighted that we are able to invite the parents along to join us in cheering the children on whilst competing in a number of races themselves! The Chicks have been practising running, jumping and balancing races as well as a couple of races related to their recent topics and favourite books.

The Yellow and Orange Chicks loved exploring their Role Play area which was set up as a jungle hideout filled with snakes, spiders and insects. The Pink Chicks in contrast spend the week cooling down at their lemonade making station. They squeezed a range of citrus fruit and used teaspoons and tweezers to transfer and stir them with water and ice cubes. The Green Chicks loved their Role Play area which was set up as a campsite with a tent. They hid, relaxed and read stories with their teachers.

The highlight of the week however was the Nursery's very special delivery; a delivery of live caterpillars!. We have loved observing how they have been changing every day and the children have enjoyed making their own predictions about how they will have changed the following day. They are growing very fast and the children have been learning about the different stages of the metamorphosis.


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