This week the Chicks have been celebrating the Lunar New Year. To help celebrate this special occasion the children learnt how Peppa Pig celebrated Chinese New Year through our topic book Peppa’s Chinese New Year by Mandy Archer and Cala Spinner. This lovely story was the perfect way to teach the Chicks all about Chinese New Year.
In thee story it is Chinese New Year and Madame Gazelle is teaching the children all about this very special day. Peppa and George and their friends make Chinese New Year cards, try tasty Chinese treats and even take part in their very own dragon parade!
During Art the children made special bunting and practiced writing Chinese Zodiac animal symbols to put up on display. For our Write Dance activity the children throughly enjoyed dancing, using the colourful scarves while listening to music. They also used the musical instruments while dancing to the Chinese Lion dragon dance.
This week the Yellow and Pink Chick enjoyed going on an environmental walk around the estate, discussing the weather and the season Winter. The children observed that there were no leaves on the trees and that it was very cold. We talked about how cold it gets in the Winter and the children discusses how this changes throughout the different seasons.
The Children love Messy play at 345 and this week was no exception! To support their fine motor skills, curiosity and understanding of the world around them they enjoyed taking part in a variety of turf tray activities where they explored different textures. They had fun with the Dinosaurs in the swamp, played with the trains in the snow and ice and went on an underwater adventure with the sea creatures!
In our Literacy lesson this week the Pink and Yellow Chicks looked at the letter sounds i, and t, finding the objects that begun with the different sounds. They practised writing the letters in flour and traced the letters on their activity sheet. The Green Chicks explored the letter sound o, sounding out the sound while preforming the action before using the o stampers to stamp out the letter o on paper.
We can’t wait for another exciting week at 345 Wandsworth next week!