This week or topic book was The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas. The book is a brilliant story which uses colours to encourage young children to openly discuss and identify how they feel. In the story, the 'colour monster' is confused and emotional until a little girl helps him name his emotions and together they sort them into a range of coloured jars. Taking inspiration from the book, our focus was emotions this week. The story also provided us with a great introduction to exploring colours and as a result we carried out a range of experiments involving colour mixing. We were very proud of the children for embracing the topic of emotions with such enthusiasm and for the wonderful discussions we had around our feelings. We also linked our conversations around emotions to transitions, and the different situations or experiences which alter our emotions and this will be our focus over the next two weeks.
As mentioned above the children were encouraged to share their emotions with us which they matched to a range of colours. We discovered that sometimes we may feel only one emotion such as happy or excited, however on many occasions we experience a mixture of feelings. The Chicks made colourful jars during Focus Time to represent these different emotions with some children using one colour and others using a mixture. They named the different emotions that they had decided to depict and explained what made them feel a certain way.
In Art, we explored colour mixing and created a range of vivid and colourful pieces of art. The children used pipettes to transfer paint onto paper before folding it in half to produce wonderful symmetrical prints. We also made bubble prints which was lots of fun and the children experimented with the way the bubbles combined and the colours mixed.
In Cookery, we used a range of fruit and vegetables, along with rice cakes to create our own 'colour monsters'. Some of the monsters were happy, some were sad or scary and all were delicious! We were able to enjoy all of our wonderful creations during Snack Time which is always a very sociable event at 345 where we chat about our experiences from nursery life and beyond.
The highlight of this week for the Chicks was our Sports Day. The day was a huge success and we were very proud of all the children for participating with such enthusiasm and for demonstrating such a brilliant team spirit. The children competed in a range of group races as well as fun races that were linked to our topics. It was lovely to be able to invite the parents to our mini Sports Day which brought back some normality following the different year we have had under all of the COVID-19 restrictions. The children were very proud of their medals and we celebrate with ice lollies at the end!.