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Chicks News - 4th March 2022


Updated: Mar 8, 2022

This week our topic book was Ten Little Princesses by Michael Brownlow. The story took us on an action packed fairly tale adventure and we loved trying to guess what would happen next! In the book, there are ten little princesses who are all dressed and ready to go to the ball. But, on their way they meet a wicked witch, a hairy beast, and a big bad Wolf. This was a brilliant book to encourage and support our maths skills as the children have to count down from ten to one and back again, as the princesses disappear and then reappear, just in time for the ball.

We took inspiration from our topic book and the princesses by focusing on the 'p' sound in our Communication and Language focus activity. To explore this, we set up an activity which involved the children having to blow through a straw into a bowl filled with paint, which created bubbles. The Chicks observed the bubbles rising and had great fun popping them with their fingers whilst making the 'p' sound. By using a blowing technique, the Chicks not only had a lot of fun but this was a great way to support the strengthening of the children's muscles in their mouth and face which helps with the development of their speech.

The Pink and Yellow Chicks had their Focus Activity on the Common where the children were tasked with going on a letter and sound hunt. The Chicks then found various sized sticks and used these to practise the formation of the letters in the soil.

Back in the classroom, we continued to extend the Chicks interests in stories by using the story spoons to recreate and act out scenes from their favourite books. We also used our imagination to try and make up our own stories using the story spoons for inspiration. In one of the Chicks brilliant stories we met a spider that went on an adventure to the seaside and on his way he met the princess that turned the prince into an ugly frog. It was so lovely to listen to all the stories told by the Chicks and we had a lot of fun helping each other to create and extend thee stories further.

On Shrove Tuesday the children used their cutting skills to cut out toppings to put on our pancakes. The Pink and Yellow Chicks know that scissors can be dangerous and that we must be careful when using them. This activity was a great opportunity to develop the children's fine motor skills and awareness of safety as Miss Katka talked through the safety aspects with the Green and Orange Chicks before using the scissors. We also discussed healthy eating while sticking the toppings onto our pancakes.

The highlight of our week however was most definitely our World Book Day celebrations. The children were all so excited to come into Nursery dressed up in their favourite characters and it was amazing to hear more about everyone's favourite stories. We had pink flamingos, firefighters, Gruffalo’s, princesses, fairies, and many more wonderful characters!


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