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Fledglings News - 14th January 2022

Updated: Jan 19, 2022

It was lovely to welcome the children back to Nursery this week. The classroom was filled with excitement with the children eager to greet their friends and share their Christmas Holiday news with their peers and teachers.

Our topic book this week was All the Ways to be Smart by Davina Bell. The book discusses that everybody is good at something and it’s okay if we are not good at the same things. It also encouraged children to reflect on their abilities, what they are good at and what they would like to work on and get better at. These conversations inspired our learning about what New Year Resolutions are and the things we might like to try or get better at this year. The children had some great ideas, and our resolutions ranged from learning to write our names, to learning to ride our bikes by ourselves at home.

During Focus Time we concentrated on our memory skills and using describing words to discuss all of the wonderful things we did over the holidays. This was also a great listening skills activity where the children took turns to share their favourite moments of their Christmas break and ask each other questions.

In our Literacy activity we continued the theme of New Years Resolutions. The children had a discussion about what they would like to get better at and they practised letter formation by tracing or copying their chosen sentence. We extended this to our Art activity where the children painted beautiful pictures, illustrating all of their New Year’s goals. We spoke about including more details in our work and there were some brilliant and brightly coloured creations depicting presents, activities and lots of fun with our families!

Over the holiday, we noticed that a few of us had come back taller! The children were excited to compare their heights against each other to see how much they had grown. We decided to expand their interest in height by using measuring rods in Maths to measure each other’s height. The children worked in pairs and supported each other in counting units and comparing and contrasting their height.

Our Role Play area was set up as a Garage this week and this was a huge hit amongst the children. The children were busy fixing our bubble car with tools and bandages and working as a team to figure out the problem! In Free Play the children also engaged with lots of exciting activities such as creating transient art using our loose parts, continuing patterns with our sequencing dogs and having tea parties with our china tea set.

We have had a brilliant first week and we are looking forward to having more fun and learning next week!


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