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Fledglings News - 14th May 2021


This week we continued working on our all of our Art projects in preparation for our upcoming exhibition. One of the Fledglings favourite art based activities this week has been our activity where we used natural materials to experiment making different patterns. The children observed the dying effects that flowers and leaves had when we bashed them on cloth. They had a lot of fun using their creativity to arrange the flowers and leaves into different patterns on their cloth before bashing them and observing the effects! This was also a great activity to recap our understanding of symmetry and colours.

During Free Play both the Red and the Blue bubbles enjoyed a wide range of activities. In the Blue Group the Role Play area continues to be one of the most popular activities and this week the area was set up as a Science Lab. The children experimented with mixing colours, pouring water, creating chemical reactions with bicarbonate of soda and vinegar and pretending to be palaeontologists, discovering dinosaurs and fossils! In the Red group’s Role Play area the children had fun pretending to be Vets, working together to look after a host of different animals!

During our one to one activities the children have continued learning about digraphs and working on their addition skills which has been extended on our wall displays where the children have the continuous opportunity to explore numbers and sounds independently. During our Science focused activity we created a walking rainbow experiment where the children practised predicting what might happen during the experiment and their reasons for this. We then enjoyed watching which predictions were right!

During our environmental walk the Blue group had an amazing coincidental meeting with a Paramedic called Tom who was parked with his ambulance by one of the buildings next to the nursery. He kindly offered to put the blue lights on for us to show us how they worked and was happy to answer all of the children’s questions. The children also had the opportunity to take a look inside the ambulance from a safe distance! Paramedic Tom patiently answered the children’s questions and it was really lovely to see them learning through conversations with a key worker. We also met a Postman on our walk and we had the chance to observe how post boxes get emptied. Our walk was a child-led walk and we followed the children’s interests, enjoying seeing where it took us. It was a real educational adventure. We extended this to our Free Play where the children had fun pretending to be paramedics and putting bandages on each other.


345 Nursery School
Fitzhugh Grove
Trinity Road
London SW18 3SA

020 3633 4185

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