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Fledglings News - 18th March 2022


This week our topic book was Do You Love Bugs? By Matt Robertson. We chose this book based on the children’s interest in nature, animals and bugs and their regular requests to visit our Wormery!

It is a funny fact book designed for children to learn more about the world of bugs. It also teaches us how to look after the bugs and encourages us not to be afraid of them. By introducing us to lots of wonderful facts and new information, it also encourages the children to build a new understanding about bugs and their significance in relation to nature and other wildlife. The children especially enjoyed learning about how bugs help us renew the soil which helps the flowers and trees grow!

To continue our focus on bugs, in our Role Play area we set up a Bug House where the children could create their own bug houses at the DT table. They used binoculars to search for bugs and enjoyed engaging with our display board which provided lots of information about the names of the body parts of bugs. We also used this as an opportunity to learn and discuss new words, including antennae and thorax!

At our messy play tables the children enjoyed continuing to search for bugs in our soil tray and trying to create different types of bugs out of playdough. We extended our learning to our Maths Free Play activities too where the children were given the challenge of counting the number of dots on the ladybirds and matching them to the correct numerals.

The children continuously enjoy fine motor and practical life activities and this week they absolutely loved using tweezers to rescue the bugs from a big spider web! It was great to see them encouraging each other in this activity and it was brilliant to see everyone's concentration skills and focus.

We extended their interest in tactile and messy activities in our Art project by using kinetic sand and natural objects to create our own bugs! We combined this with technology and the children took pictures of their creations once they were completed. Everyone was very proud and loved talking through all of their different details they had included.

To prepare for beginning of Spring and we decided to build individual bug houses out of tins, bamboo, sticks, leaves and grass on our Outdoor Learning Day. We took our bug houses back to Nursery and we placed them in our garden. We are all very excited to return after the weekend to see if any bug friends will have moved in!

We had another great week and we thoroughly enjoyed the sunny weather whilst we explored nature, bugs and continued to consolidate our knowledge and learn new things.


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