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Fledglings News - 24th February 2023


This week we welcomed the Fledglings back after the half term break and they loved discussing their adventures and activities with each other and as a group during our Focus Times. We continued with our Artists project and this week we learned about the work of Helen Frankenthaler and the children were enthralled with our Art project where we created art using Frankenthaler’s signature style and method caller ‘soak-stain’.

The children have loved engaging in our Free Play activities and we have focusing on developing their personal and social skills as they play. We created buildings with with Magnatiles, refined our fine motor control with the Practical Life logs, developed our counting and quantity knowledge with the magnetic cubes and used the sound tubs to build our phonetic knowledge.

Our peripatetic teachers join us each week to provide engaging lessons in Music, Spanish and Sports. Our Music sessions are currently exploring rhythm using a variety of songs, musical instruments and games. We learn Spanish vocabulary using well known songs and stories and interactive games. Our Sports sessions incorporate both gross and fine motor skills, as well as building the children’s ability to listen and action instructions.

During our Outdoor Learning Day we played some games, completed our February segment of our phonology wheel and used the play masks to create role play games with.

We are excited for the activities of next week which involve celebrating World Book Day and can’t wait to see the children dressed up!


345 Nursery School
Fitzhugh Grove
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London SW18 3SA

020 3633 4185

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