World Porridge Day and other weekly highlights...

Thank you for those who made it to Parent’s Evening, we do hope you found it informative. Sarah and Jill continued to visit the local schools and met with Head of Early Years at Floreat Primary School earlier in the week which we found most insightful. Please do make contact if you would like to discuss the next stage of your child’s schooling.
World Porridge Day was an enormous success and we raised £345 - thank you for your generous donations.
Over the past couple of weeks the Chicks’ topics were inspired by ”The Magic Porridge Pot” and “A Book of Sleep”. The children had the opportunity to explore many art techniques; they made clay pots embellished with glitter, painted and decorated owls using feathers, tissue papers, felt and wool. The children loved touching the materials and commenting which were soft, hard, light and heavy, drawing on the previous week’s lesson. Exploring more or less was a concept the children quickly grasped and listening and communication skills continue to develop whilst playing many games on a daily basis.
During Drama we used large circular movements waving scarves in the air pretending they were wands. We refined our fine motor skills as we made Lavender Bags and painted porridge pots with cotton buds. The highlight of the last fortnight was our Nature Walk. We spotted nests, spider’s webs and collected leaves and twigs to create habitats for insects.
The Fledglings have also explored activities based on “The Magic Porridge Pot” and “Race Day”. They thoroughly enjoyed both stories and were quick to learn the Porridge Pot rhyme and the names of the vehicles in “Race Day”. On the creative side of things the children devised an obstacle course on our grassed area, which could accommodate Iris’s trolley. It was lovely to observe them working collaboratively as they adapted their ideas until they were happy with the end result. They also painted bowls in preparation for making their Porridge Smiles, decorated car templates and cut out paper stencils which they then put together to create animals.
The range of Focus Learning activities included discussions about healthy packed lunches which were depicted by sticking pictures of foods onto lunch boxes. Phoneme recognition was the focus on our Literacy lessons whilst during Maths we practised counting quantities and matching them to the corresponding numerals. We also explored length whilst measuring spoons with towers of Unifix cubes. Our bruised apple activity encouraged the children to explore the impact that unkind words can have on another ( please see Tapestry). The children were very thoughtful when reflecting on the activity and verbalised many kind solutions to negate hurt feelings.
Both the Fledglings and the Chicks keenly explored the 345 Vets Clinic, Constructions Site, and Office as they developed imaginary play scenarios. The varying construction materials remain popular as do the messy activities including searching for; numbered treasure, letters hidden in cornflour and playing with play dough. The small world resources such as the dinosaurs, safari track and doll’s house have also captured the children’s interest.
We are delighted to announce that we have appointed Sabine Stahl to join the team and teach our January intake. Sabine brings a wealth of experience having run her own nursery in Germany and more recently has taught at Mouse House.